Chongqing Zhidian Technology Co., Ltd. website is online


You are very welcome to enter our website! Thank you for your long-term support to our company!

In order to improve the company's visibility, give full play to the Internet's media functions, increase the company's external publicity and external communication efforts, further promote the company's corporate culture and establish a good corporate image, achieved good social results.

In order to adapt to the new needs of network development, and further play the role of the website's external publicity, to provide our customers with a better service exchange platform, recently we have comprehensively upgraded the website.

This upgrade draws on the layout styles of many other websites, combined with the actual situation of the company, highlights the characteristics of the company, and the content quality is higher.

Of course, the upgraded website will inevitably still have deficiencies, and some problems may occur during operation, and we will solve them as soon as possible. I hope you will leave valuable comments while browsing the new website and we will work hard to make the website more complete. Thanks again!